File Watcher Console

About File Watcher Console

File Watcher Console is a simple command line file watcher application that can be configured using XML configuration files. The configuration is entered directly to the XML configuration files. You can use XML configuration files from any other File Watcher Utilities application.

File Watcher Console command line arguments

The application reads command line arguments from the command prompt at startup. The command line arguments can be used to specify how the main application behaves. To configure how the file system is monitored see XML configuration.

Command line arguments usage

FileWatcherConsole.exe [-a] [-r] [-b:x] | [-e | -l | /?]

Command line arguments

(default value if '-a' is not specified) Synchronous execution of all started processes.
-a Asynchronous execution of all started processes.
-r Runs queued processes when application is stopping.
-b:x Total process batch size is x (1-99). '-a' Must be specified. Limits amount of simultaneous processes run by this application.
-e Write example XML configuration files.
-l Displays license.
/? Displays usage.

File Watcher Console example XML configuration files

The application creates three different daemon configurations in the fwatcher.xml XML configuration file when the '-e write example configuration files' command line argument is specified. The example XML configuration sets the application to monitor the application root folder for '*.txt' file changes.

List of example daemons

Default 'notepad.exe' Daemon (monitors: *.txt) Starts 'notepad.exe' when file change is detected. Opens the changed '*.txt' file.
Default 'calc.exe' Daemon (monitors: *.txt) Starts 'calc.exe' when file change is detected.
Default 'mspaint.exe' Daemon (monitors: *.txt) Starts 'mspaint.exe' when file change is detected.


See Log file for more details.

File Watcher Console installation

No installation is required to use this application.