XML configuration files

About the XML configuration files

The application reads XML configuration files from the application root folder. The XML configuration file (fwatcher.xml) specifies how the file system is monitored and what actions are performed when there is a file system change. The XML configuration file provides many configuration options that can suit specific needs. You may configure as many file watchers (file system monitors) as is needed. Application starts a file watcher for each config table (configuration set) in the XML configuration file.

XML configuration files

fwatcher.xml This file contains the actual configuration information.
fwatcher.xsl This file contains structure of the configuration.

XML configuration file structure

config table (the <config> tag)

Tag name Description
daemonName Unique name of the file watcher.
startDaemon True | False if to start file watcher.
displayFileSystemChange True | False if to display file system change.
logFileSystemChange True | False if to log file system change to log file.
logFileSystemSearchError True | False if to log file system search error to log file.
displayFileSystemSearchError True | False if to display file system search error.
logFileSystemSearchProgress True | False if to log file system search process to log file.
displayFileSystemSearchProgress True | False if to display file system search process.
path Path of the directory to watch.
filter File name filter string.
generateFileSystemEventsAtStartup True | False if to generate file system events at startup.
generatedEventFileNameRegularExpressionFilter Generated file system event file name regular expression filter.
changedRegularExpressionFilter Changed event file name regular expression filter.
createdRegularExpressionFilter Created file name regular expression filter.
deletedRegularExpressionFilter Deleted event file name regular expression filter.
renamedRegularExpressionFilter Renamed event file name regular expression filter.
includeSubdirectories True | False if to monitor subdirectories.
internalBufferSize File watcher internal buffer size. (The default buffer size is 8192).
subscribeToBufferErrorEvent True | False if to subscribe to file watcher buffer error event.
subscribeToChangedEvent True | False if to monitor file change.
subscribeToCreatedEvent True | False if to monitor file creation.
subscribeToDeletedEvent True | False if to monitor file deletion.
subscribeToRenamedEvent True | False if to monitor file renaming.
notifyAttribute True | False if to notify file of folder attribute change.
notifyCreationTime True | False if to notify file or folder creation time change.
notifyDirectoryName True | False if to notify directory name change.
notifyFileName True | False if to notify file or folder name change.
notifyLastAccess True | False if to notify file or folder last access change.
notifyLastWrite True | False if to notify file or folder last write change.
notifySecurity True | False if to notify security change.
notifySize True | False if to notify file or folder size change.
startProcess True | False if to start process when file watcher detects file system change.
logProcessStart True | False if to log process start.
logProcessEnd True | False if to log process end.
processFileName Name of the process executable (or document). Cannot be empty.
processArguments Process arguments.
processUseFileNameAsArgument True | False if to use changed file as argument.
processArgumentsFileNameEscapeString Arguments escape string for the file name.
processUseOldFileNameAsArgument True | False if to use old file name as argument.
processArgumentsOldFileNameEscapeString Arguments escape string for the old file name.
processUseChangeTypeAsArgument True | False if to use the file system change type as argument.
processArgumentsChangeTypeEscapeString Arguments escape string for the file system change type.
processVerb Process verb.
processWorkingDirectory Process working directory.
processUseShellExecute True | False if to use shell execute method.
processCreateNoWindow True | False if to create no window. Ignored if processUseShellExecute is True.
processWindowStyle Process window style: normal | minimized | maximized | hidden. Set processShellExecute to True.
processSynchronizedExecution True | False if to execute this process synchronized. Blocks other processes until the process is done.
processMaxWaitTime Amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the synchronized process to exit. -1 to wait infinite.
processRedirectStandardError True | False if to redirect process standard error to this application. Cannot be used if processUseShellExecute is True.
processRedirectStandardOutput True | False if to redirect process standard output to this application. Cannot be used if processUseShellExecute is True.
processLoadUserProfile True | False if to load user profile to execute process.
processDomain Process user profile domain. Saved as plain text.
processUserName Process user profile user name. Saved as plain text. Must be empty if processUseShellExecute is True.
processPassword Process user profile password. Saved as plain text. Must be empty if processUseShellExecute is True.
processBatchSize Process batch size (limits amount of simultaneous processes run by this file watcher). Zero value for no limit.
processFileMustExist True | False to not to run the process if file does not exist.
processDelay Process delay in milliseconds.
processLockFile True | False to test for file lock.
processLockFileLastWriteDelay The file last write time must occur specified amount of milliseconds before. The process will be requeued if the last write time condition is not met. This counts as a retry. Otherwise the file is tested for a file lock.
processLockFileRetries File lock test retries. Zero for infinite.
processLockFileRetriesQueueLimit Preserves the specified amount of processes even if the file lock retries count is met.
callService True | False if to call a service when the file watcher detects a file system change.
tryRenameFile True | False if to rename file before processing it.
tryRenameFileRetries Rename retries.